This is M90 in Virgo.
It resembles M64 with the main arms chock full of dust. Also, like M64, the central region shows entirely different views from one side to the other. Lots of HII activity displayed on this side but the other side is shrouded in dust – with only faint features showing.
Note the smaller galaxy IC3583 to the bottom. I find this one similar to the SMC. Both have bars of stars running through them, meaning they were probably spiral galaxies in their previous incarnation. They look alike and both display a fan shaped spread of material emanating from one side – perhaps a tidal flow effect.
The distance estimates to M90 have been historically all over the lot. The more recent estimates I believe are in the range of about 30 million ly. At this distance it places it within range of IC3583, and makes it a suspect for causing the smaller one’s disturbed condition – similar to the Milky Way’s interaction with the SMC.
PlaneWave 12.5″ Astrograph with a ZWO ASI6200 camera, Astrodon filters, and ASA gearless DDM-85 mount. F/8 LRGB (40/8min L, 15/8min each 2×2 RGB).